Top, the bet is on! Now that “Wetten dass” has long since disappeared into oblivion, you just have to get down to work yourself. And a little know-it-all competition like this is fun from time to time, isn’t it? But what can you bet on? After all, the stake is essential to the whole thing. Betting debts are debts of honor, but they can also be pretty nasty. We have a few ideas for your next bets with friends. If you want your bet to be more official, use the 22Bet platform.
A bit of fun is a must: as long as you don’t take betting too seriously, the little games here and there can be very amusing. The bet itself can be about anything: Bet that you can’t finish your glass of water within 10 seconds? Bet that I can sing the entire song lyrics by heart? Bet that I can stare at you for longer than you can stare at me without blinking (also popular: the laughing variant)? Challenge accepted. Let the games begin!
What characterizes good bets? Not just the betting proposition itself, but also a good bet! Whether you’re betting with your friend or a few buddies makes a small difference, of course. The stakes can differ here. So what do you want when you win a bet? From harmless to funny to thrilling, here are our ideas of what you can bet on.

Bets often arise spontaneously and naturally require a suitable, quickly devised wager!
What can you bet on? From harmless to thrilling:
1. movie or dinner invitation
This bet is suitable for both boyfriends and friends in general. The winner is invited to something by the loser! Whether it’s to the movies, a meal in a restaurant (or at home), a picnic or just a drink at the next club visit, a little treat for the winning bet is always a good idea and can be redeemed as a betting debt.
2. the long-awaited shoes vs. the latest soccer shirt
Of course, this could be expensive, which is why you should think about this bet carefully beforehand. But how sweet is victory when the pumps you’ve wanted for a long time end up as a prize in your shoe cupboard? On the other hand, of course, you have to expect that your friend or buddy will be delighted to throw on a new jersey if you lose. Financed by you.
3. nasty bets: Forbid words, cut hair, run half-naked around the block….

Of course, there are also a number of diabolical bets that make cashing in your betting debts really nasty. While the winner laughs up his sleeve, the loser is in for a few embarrassing or at least emotionally tough minutes. Anyone who accepts such a betting outcome must be really brave, because it can quickly backfire!
4. an (extended) massage
Haaach. A win can be so relaxing! Not for the loser, of course. What can you bet on? The classic way: a massage for a predetermined period of time for the winner of the bet. Couples can also try the sexy Nuru massage.